Sunday, May 17, 2009


So i drive a bright yellow chevy cobalt ss aka Lucy. Emily named it for me she thought it needed one and i have never named a car so lucy it was. I freaking love this car i think it definitely shows my personality. Plus I like to go fast so lucy helps me out there although i have got two speeding tickets. :( I have had some adventures in this car for sure some good some bad here are a few.

1. Driving to cheer practice during the summer with Erika and Jessica.
2. Driving to Utah for shopping extravaganza with one of my best friends my sister Dakota.
3.Driving to North just to have Baylee's parents call and tell us to get home.
4. Driving into the good ole Outback everyday of my life.
5. Trying to escape my driveway during winter.
6.Sliding off the road and being stuck for an hour.
7.Racing my dad home from church..hitting 120 in a 50 :)
8.Being the yellow twinkie for my little sibs.
9.Driving to races.
10.Getting lost in hamer on my way to FHE.
11. Erika and Jessica hanging out the sunroof while i drove.
12. Crazy days driving to lunch.
13. Changing in a carwash.
14. Getting stuck in a bank parking lot.
15. Being able to squeeze into a parking space almost anywhere.
16.Getting attacked by a bird a naming it earl.
17. Rushing to make it to school on time.

18. Runs to kelly canyon.
19. Cruizing seventeenth.
20. Shooting people with squirt guns out the windows. :)

My favorite things to eat!

1. Spaggetti
2.Shrimp Alredo
4.Fried rice from Hong kong
5. Grilled ham n cheese sandwhiches
7. Steak
8.Alice spring chicken casadillas
9.Homemade Mac n Cheese

1. Orange Juice
2.Mountain dew
3. Propel water
4. Sprite n cranras mixed together
5. capri suns
6.Strawberry blondies
7.Jamba Juice
8.Rasberry lemonade
10.MILK :)

1.Chocolate covered cinnimon bears
2. Bannannas
3. Strawberry sunrise yogurt
4. Ice cream
5. Smoothies
7.almost any kind of fruit
9.Mike n Ikes

What now!?

So i have like ten days or so until im done with school. Which is awesome well you know how everyone can't wait to be done with school like life will suddenly be easy and you don't have to worry about school. Well let me tell you that isn't true, yeah your done but next question what the heck are you going to do now. Graduating is just the beginning of your life so what are you doing with the rest of it now!? Truth is i still don't know my plans change daily, but im a very undecisive person anyways i can't decide what i want to eat for lunch how am I suppose to know what i want to be or do in my life? So here are some things i thought would help the underclass man. Stuff that i have learned the hard way or just things to know. Oh and by the way just to be clear seniors of 2009 are the best, and it sucks for you because school is going to be boring without us :)


1.Make sure you turn in your library books, before you have 20.00 fee.

2.Stay on Mrs. Taylors good side a Diet Coke here and there could really benefit you.

3. Start thinking about the future before middle of senior year.

4. Don't be late for Mrs. Bratsmans class.

5. I know i have already told you this but seriously DON'T BUILD SNOWMAN DURING MRS. SCOTTS CLASS! I did learn this the hard way.

6. Don't get to behind on homework it sucks!

7.Study for the ACT's

8. Taking DC classes is good you could have almost half your generals done by the time you graduate so something to think about.

9. If you choose DC English with Mr. E, its easy and helps you get a head before you graduate. But if you want a more challenging class which you will learn more for college take Mrs. Scotts Senior English it's way harder.

10. Be involved in school positions or events it helps when your appling for scholarships.

11. If you can take classes with Stembridge he is a cool guy and teacher.

12. If you can try and go on american heritage its amazing!

13. Oh and don't take two of Mrs. Scotts classes in one Trimester if your not an over achiever!!

If you don't take this advice you will survive highschool but this should help you. Also this is a motto i try and live by: Be who you want to be, not what others want to see. Live life and have fun ill miss our funny times in creative writing. Goodluck and have fun Ill miss all of you. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cluminess= Emergency room

When i was ten years old my sister and I were irrigating the farm one summer day. We were moving irrigation tubes on a trailer down the road to the next land. When all of a sudden my sister’s hat flew off and of course me being younger was told to go catch it. So I jumped off the trailer and started running down the road in my tall irrigating boots yeah the big ones smart idea on my part don’t you think? Well to make a long story short I fell and got six stitches in my left knee that night. Now I have a scar to remind me of clumsiness and the worst part is I didn’t even catch the stupid hat! :)

Energetic is Yellow!

It feels like you just drank 36 oz. Rockstar.
It smells like sour lemons.
It tastes like spicy Mexican food.
It sounds like a class of second graders.
It looks like popcorn popping.
It makes me feel super super excited!

Why i will never enter a zoo!!

Okay so when i was ten years my grandma took me to the zoo for my birthday. When we went in we asked the ranger guy what time the zoo closes. He said that they would come get everyone when it was time to lock up. So granny and me set off exploring all the different exhibits and wild creature. After we were done exploring the whole zoo we headed back to the main entrance. But the gates were locked and no one was in sight! AHH we had a little panic attack as we realized we were locked in the zoo with lions tigers and bears oh my! But not only were we locked in there we animals on the loose. Apparently they let all the crazy birds and flamingos go wild while the zoo is locked. So that was a little freaky, we started circling the outer perimeter of the zoo looking for a way to escape or another exit. But no if your locked in the zoo your locked in the zoo. We headed back to the main entrance and sat there for awhile. My grandmother doesn't have a cell phone so there was no way to call for help. (By the way Mrs. Scott cell phones are useful sometimes like in this case.) Anyways back to my scary zoo adventure, we continued to wait there yelling for help occasionally. I thought we were going to have to stay there till morning. My grandma didn't help either she kept saying you ready to sleep in the zoo. Then we saw a mom and her little daughter walking over to the playground across the street to swing. We got up and really started yelling she came over and grandma explained the whole situation to her. We ended up waiting there for awhile longer for a guy with a key to come let us out. I being ten at the time was not very happy and upset that this had to happen on my birthday because cake was waiting for me at home. We finally got out but if that lady across the street hadn't been there i might of had to sleep in the zoo. This was one of my most tragic moments in my life it was terrible. That is why i do not go to the zoo anymore. Moral of this story if you do have the need to go to the zoo MAKE SURE THEY TELL YOU WHAT TIME THEY LOCK THE GATE!! Or you might end up locked in or worse.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Bucket List :)

1. Tour all of Europe.

2. Learn how to sing.

3. Skydive

4. Bungie Jump

5. Go on a cruise

6.Ride in a gondala and kiss under a bridge.

7. Open a smoothie shop.

8. ride a exotic animal.

9. Go to California.

10. Go to the beach.

11. learn how to surf.

12.Go to disney land :)

13.Help kids in a foreign country

14.Punch someone in the face. (idk why but i have always wanted to just punch someone in the face with my fist really hard hehe)

15. Visit Africa

16. Get married and have a family.

The day the pieces fell...

The day the pieces fell
you know its not the same
it feels like the ground is unsteady
But you don't know what to do
The only thing you feel is
Anger and sadness
Emptiness and confusion
You have tried so hard to do everything, but its not enough
Your lost and scared of the unknown
You feel like a part of you is lost
On the day the pieces fell.

April 28th

On April twenty eighth i woke up late like every other morning and went up stairs peered out the window and what in the hello! Is that snow on my grass!? Ugh are you freaking kidding me i thought snow in April. As i drove to school that morning i was kind of mad at the weather in Idaho does it always have to be cold wet cold wet windy blizzard cold freezing wet windy blizzard.....But then at the end of breakfast break ms. Taylor aka crazy lady told the seniors to go out and build snow people and she would excuse us. Well she didn't have to tell me twice having Senioritis along with all the others that ran outside. Might as well make the best of what you have right :) The snow was perfect for building snow people, so we rolled and rolled and rolled till our fingers were numb which they were by the time the snowball was big enough. We made a little snow family a dad a mom and a little baby. But the baby actually looked more like a demented bird haha. So on april twenty eighth we made snowpeople. It was fun and freezing! :)

Btw. for any younger classes i don't advise this it was actually a really bad decision on my part and got me in trouble. But i guess you can't always follow the rules.

Then n Now

Do you ever notice the difference between the way you talk and the way your grandma talks? You can mean the same thing but say something totally different here is my top six that i notice all the time.

1. Thong.....Flip Flop
2.Ice chest..... Cooler
3. Jumper..... Overalls
4.Monkey bar.... Wrench
5. Pedal pushers.... Capri's
6. Jiffy box......Glove box.

But even though we think this jargon is bazaar and different. Just think about what our kids will be saying about what we say :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why WJ is not like an ordinary school!

1. Our principal attacks the hall and calls anyone in sight a hoglet pigglet! ( she also thinks the whole school is racist.)

2. Our Science teacher Mr. Kotecki has yeast pancakes that have gone wrong from three yrs. ago growing in his class room. Its his pet/student named fluffy.

3. We celebrate fluffys birthday every yr.

4. Our English Teacher Mrs. Scott can blow bubbles with gum from her nose.

5. We do weird/stupid human tricks for fun.

6. It's in the middle of nowhere!

7.we rope people in the parking lot.

8. We have very very unique students :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 things you need to know before you graduate!

1. Life isn't fair!!

2.Boys are dumb.

3.When you move out, your parents don't pay for everything.

4. a super senior isn't so super.

5.Being grown up isn't as fun as you think it's going to be.

6.George Washington was the first President of the U.S.

7. Life only gets harder so deal with it!

8.Honey doesn't come from tree's

9. Titsie flies can't come and infect the U.S.

10. What your going to do with your life!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Remember When....

Remember when cody Merrill always took out his glass eye and chased us with it!

Remember when cody Merrill lost his eye so he had no eye the rest of the day.

Remember when we stayed up till six in the morning just to say we did.

Remember when Kolleen, Kandice and Kaelonnie shoved me in the garbage can!

Remember when Eric Maya always had nasty burgers in his eyes.

Remember when Cody Merrill always wiped his burgers on Kolleens desk.

Remember when i hit Cody Merrill with a Harry Potter book in the face.

Remember when Tyrell and Morgan got caught kissing behind the school in sixth grade.

Remember Mr. Hyatt....enough said.

Remember when i got handcuffed by Dusty.

Remember when i got detention just because Shalyse had detention.

Remember when we protested in 9th grade

Remember when we sluffed seminary in the 9th grade.

Remember when Bathroom, Sadie, wet paper towels...enough said.

Remember when Mr. Thomas drove the nasty purple car

Remember when we played the laughing game in the middle of the hall.

Remember when we layed in the middle of the road at 12:00 am

Remember when we had the shaving cream wars

Remember when we had slumber parties at shalyese or sadie's house.

Remember when Dallin drove Sadie's 4-wheeler into her garage.

Remember when we went to the haunted mill and i smack my head.

Remember when we had anat & Phys and all of Remi's questions.

Remember when Remi Ripped her sweatshirt trying to climb over the fence.

Remember when everyone decided to get engaged.

Remember when jake hucked the ball at the North kid.

Remember when Mr. E couldn't remember Erika's name so he called her Nikki in DC English.

Remember when Coach Sawicki's Class did the caveman challenge.

Remember when Mr. E called Baylee handicapped.

Remember when Kandice got her car locked in the Temple parking lot.

Remember when Coach K said if he took a picture of Steph and send it to a foriegn Country they would send her money.

Remember when Coach K made fun of me everyday in Chem.

Remember disecting pigs, pig hearts, Frogs, Frog hearts, and owl pellets.

Remember when Justin had a molester mustache

Remember when Mrs. Scott got yelled at during a lock down.

Remember Mrs. Scotts facial expressions enough said.

Remember when Bradee and Tanae smack into each other in trying to catch the softball.

Remember when Michael Bybee and John would moon us everyday at lunch or practice.

Remember when the seniors would come to practice and scar the freshman with Anat & Phys. storys

Remember when Mr. E lost it cause kids weren't in seminary, and he chucked Emily across the hall.

Remember when Remi Chipped her tooth trying to catch skittles in her mouth.

Remember When we endured all the long hour bus rides and 90 degree plane rides.

Remember when we went to leadership conference in Boise.

Remember when Mr. Engberson swore in Government.

Remember when Mrs. Scott threw crayons at justin, and bowdry once too.

Remember when Eric saran wrapped two freshman together.

Remember when we had a birthday party for fluffy

Remember when Tony broke Emily's E.T. in English

Remember when Madi left me at the lake, the canal, the lube, and the school.

Remember when Ricardo locked Madi and I out of the school, so i chucked my key at him and it broke.

Remember when we took Mrs. Bunce's Teen foods class...enough said.

Remember when Remi got pulled over for driving on a closed road, so Coach K. put cones in front of her locker.

Remember when Emily, Jessica, Belin, Erika and I went to the park and i almost died on the titer totter.

Remember when we had raves after football games.

Remember when we busted into MLM and got batteries.

Remember when seniors painted the rocks.

Remember when we built a snowman on April 28th.

This remember when is on my 12 years at school and every crazy moment during it! Hope you enjoy reading it i had fun writing it.

A Teenagers Creed...

It's not enough to have a dream unless I'm willing to pursue it.
Its not enough to know whats right unless I'm strong enough to do it.
It's not enough to join the crowd, to be acknowledged and accepted.
I must be true to my ideals, even if I'm exculded and rejected.
Its not enough to learn the truth unless i also learn to live it.
Its not enough to reach for LOVE unless i care enough to give it.

Phillips Easter :)

Every Easter we all wake up go upstairs and see what the easter bunny brought :) Then its off to church which always seems very long because we can't wait to get back to the house. Because every year we have our own easter egg hunt at the house except instead of candy...we put money in the eggs. Not just change either paper money the real deal. So today my older sister Dakota wasn't home so more money for the rest of us haha. We started off sweeping the front yard looking everywhere and anywhere. I got a couple here and there but ran around to the backround for the big money. Paden and Taibre where getting there share as they searched. But now there were three left i found the first two. One to go we circled the house three or four times until Paden shouted he found it. Dang it and of course it had ten dollars in it. We do this every year kinda like our Easter tradition its fun and a challenge. Also we have a little prize for who ever gets the most money. Paden was the winner today with $28.00, I was second with $24.00 and Taibre came in last with $15.00. So Paden was the winner and got a giant chocolate bunny haha. Today was really fun i enjoy Easter because we always spend the whole day together as a family.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why I am ready for SUMMER!

I love the winter because i love to snowboard everyday an i love christmas so i really like winter. I don't think i could live somewhere where it doesn't snow i would miss it too much. You have to have winter how else would you make your first snowman or snowangels. You would miss out on ice skating and big cups of hot coco with marshmallows. But I am ready for summer here are my reasons.

1. I am sick of having to wear sweats and a hoodie to bed every night because in the morning its freezing.

2. I am sick of scraping my frozen windshield every morning.

3. Im sick of my toes being frozen on sunday when i wear my church shoes.

4. Im sick of falling on my face

5. Sick of being cold and miserable

6. Sick of driving in winter.

7. Im sick of not being able to be outside for very long without freezing.

8. Im sick of not being able to paintball, Swim, or ride bikes.

9. I just really miss the sun.

10. Im sick of wearing four layers everyday.

11. I miss wearing shorts, skirts , and FLIPFLOPS!

12. Im sick of being paper white!

So basically Im sick of WINTER!! I like it and all but I am definitely ready for the sunshine. So bring on the rays! :)

10 things my brother does to drive me CRAZY!!

Everyone that has a little brother knows what a pain they are. My brother thinks of ways to annoy me. Sometimes when he is doing something that drives me crazy, I will tell me to please stop it cause it is annoying me. But does he stop no he does it louder and in my face just to bug me! Brothers i can't figure them out why why do they do what we hate? Don't they have anything better to do that antagonize people! I mean you would think that my little brother paden or jerkface whatever i feel like calling him would get sick and tired of trying to annoy me or so i would think. Here are ten things that drive me CRAZY! Im not going to list all of them i don't have time for that. :)

1. He is always tapping or clanking something anything that will make an annoying noise he does.
2. He never picks up anything i feel like his personal maid. Not his dishes, his clothes, his skate board its always in the way.
3. He never cleans anything why would he, he doesn't even pick up his own crap!
4. He is always making a mess whether it be tearing out the shelfs in his closet, swithching my door with his door cause my locks, or emptying the toolbox all over the garage floor while he works on his bike.
5. He is really loud, i don't think he has an inside voice....Especially when we go to town he talks like where still on the farm.
6. He fights with my little sister constantly just because he can anything that will but her its done. Then i have her screaming which he knows i hate it when they fight.
7. Thinks everything of mine is his, doesn't matter what it is.
8. Trashes everything in his path he can't keep anything if he borrows your stuff make sure its something you don't want back.
9. He crushes you, paden is bigger than me and he puts his arms around me like he is giving me a hug but oh no more like the crush of death!
10.He thinks he is ALWAYS right so if you have an opinion keep it to yourself because it doesn't matter what it is your wrong....working with him can be extremely frustrating.
10 1/2. He criticizes my driving when he isn't even old enough to take drivers ed!

Now don't get me wrong i love my brother it just takes a lot alot alot of paitenance! But we do get along somedays....normally the days i work and we only spend two hours together. :)

Fast Food people...

When you go to the fast food drive through do ever wonder why in the world anyone would want to do this as a living? Or i wonder if that guy has been to jail? Or that kid looks like he has been seriously smoking pot. Or how old do you think that lady is? How did these people that are serving you your double cheeseburger and fries end up here? Well thats what i was thinking about this last wk since we pretty much ate fast food everyday on our trip. Here are so ideas and thought i came up with.

Got kicked out of school for smoking to much pot.
Likes the smell of fast food and really loves his job
Can't find another job.
Likes the food discount.
Was in jail and couldn't get hired anywhere else.
Is an illegal alien.
Is a criminal.
got fired from all their other jobs.
House burned down.
got laid off.
Retirement money ran out.
didn't feel like looking for a job.
Have no skills what so ever!
no drop out
Family Business
can't speak english
likes to play in the play house
Life sucks

I have no idea why the fast food people are the fast food people maybe ill ask one of them sometime who knows...

The not so joyous things about American Heritage!

I loved American Heritage it was so amazing and fun. I would do it again first chance i got. But their were some parts that weren't so joyous i would like to share those with you now.

The six hr. flight at 11:00pm.
not being able to sleep on the 6hr. flight because it was like a furnace in there.
The four hr. drive to D.C. at five thirty in the a.m.
Having it rain all day.... basically being cold and really wet!
Having scary black guys ask you for money.
Going to bed late and waking up too early.
Missing stuff because you can't keep your eyelids open on the bus.
Tour guides that talk extremely fast or have the most annoying voice ever!
Walking 30 blocks in NYC.
More rain
all the STUPID SECURITY! seriously you have to be wand ya down everywhere you go.
Getting yelled at
waiting for traffic to move.
lack of FOOD!
being woke up at eight thirty at night to get off the bus and go see some ladies house that you have no idea who she even is.
Rain rain rain
Climbing 294 steps to see fog..... which my calves still hurt from.
Getting sick on the bus
More lack of FOOD!
waiting in the airport for an hour an a half.
Six hr. flight back....then my favorite part the four an a half SCHOOL BUS ride home at twelve in the a.m. with no sleep!

But even though i didn't quite enjoy these things the trip was still amazing and i loved every minute of it.... just some not as much as others :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why you don't mess with the Chinese!

When we were in NYC we went to china town and they just let us roam by ourselves for an hour an a half. It was a very interesting unique experience all i have to say is don't you dare upset the Chinese!! The streets were lined with little shops and carts selling merchandise, they all had bright colors but mostly red covered everything. we went into a small little shop and as soon as we walked in we had two Chinese ladies approach us and ask what you want, what you want i make special price for you before we even had a chance to look at anything. Then if they saw you look at anything they got it and would ask you what color or size i wanted. when you answered they started heading for the counter shouting prices and saying you buy you buy. Oh they were crazy and some were seriously unbalanced! Then if you said no or your not sure they would speak a hundred miles and hour in Chinese and put it back, or ask if you wanted something else. It was hard to escape some of the shops you would just have to walk out while they are shouting at you, it was kinda scary sometimes not going to lie. We went into this one particular shop and i started looking at the I love NYC sweatshirts. Of course the lady asked my size and which one so i told her she got it down and handed to me i held it up to me and was trying to decide if thats what i wanted. While i was doing this she ran over to the counter to get the phone an started speaking so fast i couldn't believe it! I decided I would look at another shop, so i folded it back up and stuck it on the self. Instantly the little Chinese lady was there grabbing the sweatshirt off the shelf and yelling at me saying no no no you don't touch you make a mess you want anything you ask me no no your messy! She seriously scared me i didn't know what to think so i just left and didn't get a sweatshirt. Also when your trying to purchase something you barter with them over a price, which can get a little scary as well. It all depends on if they like you or not, kandice bought a keychain for $2.50. Then Jayci went to go buy the same one she got out $3.00 expecting change back. But the man that was selling it said it was $3.69 for the exact same keychain he sold five minutes earlier Jayci is still mad about it. Oh and i have to tell you about the perfume psycho we went into this shop and this guy had this whole wall of perfumes. He asked us if we wanted one and started taking stuff off the shelf and opening it up and shoving it in our faces to smell. I said i didn't want one but he wouldn't stop talking so i asked for a certain kind to smell, thinking what could it hurt. Alot i found out he took it off the self opened it just like before he shoved it in my face and then quickly put it back in the box. I didn't even get to smell it all i smelt was alchohol so i told him no but then he started going down on the price and asking me what i would pay. I told him no again but just kept asking and talking to me i wanted to say NO I DON'T WANT THE STUPID PERFUME YOU PSYCHO! But i didn't i just ran out while he was talking to me and he walked out of the shop and kept yelling prices. He was seriously psycho i think all the fumes must have got to his head or something! Thats why you just don't mess with the Chinese they just go crazy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Stop Lights

Have you ever thought about the person in the lane next to you at a stop light? well i did thursday when i was in town. I noticed whenever you stop the person next to you stares, why i don't know and sometimes i catch myself staring back. But what are they thinking about while they are peering through the glass window? Here are some possible thoughts that go through peoples minds while sitting at a stop light.

Omg look at that ladies hair.....were not in the 80's anymore.
Eh that nasty old man is looking at me.
i wonder if that thing they call a car will make it pass this stop light
how you doing :)
aw look at the cute dog in the window
do they have enough kids seriously
can that guy turn his music up any louder!?
oh thats a sweet truck!
that boy/girl is hot
did that guy seriously just pick his nose?
Is that car puke green... really with that?
what a jerk!
are they blowing bubbles out of the window?
Hmm that cheesburger looks good :)
Looks like someones running a little late.
Eh white trash for sure.
That guy must be rich.
Thats ridiculous.
Hey there watching Kung fu Panda!
That truck/car needs to see the inside of a carwash ASAP!
oh i feel bad for that mother
do you think they know there gas cap is open?
do you think her face normally looks that way?
That person looks like a grouch.
whoa they can multi task.

But who really know what people think while at a stop light? These were just some of my ideas. Some were from personal experience :) Hope you enjoyed this post i had fun writing it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

50 ways to be ME!

Looks like Snow White
Have Blue eyes
Black Hair
Nasty white skin
Has extremely curly hair
Have angel kisses a.k.a. Freckles
Cherishes Sleep! High jack’s a nap when ever sees an opportunity
Love to sing…in the car
Enjoys smiling and being happy
Tends to be loud
Likes blowing bubbles
Loves sparkles and Lip gloss
Likes to wear Pink, Turquoise and lime green
Drive a bright yellow Chevy cobalt
Tends to park in yellow lines
Loves Snowboarding and making snow angels
Loves having scary movie nights
Can’t roll my tongue
Can’t cross my eyes
Can’t whistle.

Can't wink ;)
Works all the time
Is a habitual violator of the speed limit
sometimes sticks tongue out when concentrating
eats really slow
Running late all the time
Quite the procrastinator when it comes to homework
Enjoys Scrapbooking
Races Motorcycles with family in the summer
Favorite game of all time is Paintballing
Can’t stand it when not wearing earrings
Always is matching
Has Senioritis!
Has no decision making skills
loves Captain Crunch
Tends to say "like" a lot
Can’t walk in heels to save my life
Loves to be comfortable and would wear sweats everyday if I could
Wants to skydive and Bungie Jump
Never been in a plane
Enjoys traveling and exploring new places
Can’t handle any kind of Mexican food
Doesn’t eat the fortune cookie after reading the fortune
Not afraid of needles
Always wanted to be a cowgirl
Is a grocery girl
Never paints fingernail, but always have to have toenails done
Loves Ice Cream with a passion
Addicted to chocolate covered cinnamon bears
Always up for a challenge!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I earned money mowing lawns and spent it all on....

16 packages of bubbalicous bubble gum.

Silly puddy

ugly old peoples slippers

a blonde hair piece

hannah montana sing along doll

used lip gloss

fingernail clippers

a tricycle

Smelly Sharpie markers

Polka dot flip flops

Ring pops

kiddie pool

glow in the dark planets

lots of ice cream

Pink boots

movie star glasses

hoola hoop

gold fish

and a dog :]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If i were shoes

Shoes... have you ever thought about them their is so much variety every pair is different and creative in there own way. They show peoples personality, but the same time tell a story. From boots to flip flops every pair is significant and unique. Shoes come in all colors, shapes, sizes and texture. If i were a pair of shoes i would want to be a pair of heels

If i were heels i would walk the runways, big city streets be in a movie and see the world. Walk down the ile on someones big day and dance on the ballroom floor. I would want to be someones special first pair, go to their first first prom and their big businees meeting. I would want to be there first choice in the morning and of course go shopping on a weekly basis. If i were a pair of heels i would do everything and go anywhere, i would be the most important accessory. Then when im old and get retired. I want to be the two yr. olds heels to play dress up in, I want to be the big girls shoes.

Heels make you feel powerful, attractive, like a movie star and on top of the world. They make you feel grow up and important because it takes a woman to wear heels. when you wear heels you express your self either with black sleek ones, Hot red ones, or polka dot ones they describe how you feel that day and define who you are and what your true personality is. Now can any other pair of shoes do this? No i don't think so and that is why heels are the shoe to be and are envied by ever other shoes walking down the street. :)

Superhero or Supervillian

I was thinking today how nice it would be to be SUPER! I wouldn't have to worry about simple stuff, plus i would be admired or feared by everyone. Also i would have amazing powers beyond belief. But which is it do i want to be a superhero or a supervillian?

If i were a SUPERHERO.....
I would have the ability to read mind
Have intense super strength and speed
Be able to fly
Have an invisible force field
Never have to grow up and get to do whatever i want
Be really beautiful and have brown wavy hair
wear really tight spandex suit, most likely turquoise
and of course have a sweet cape and boots.
I would protect the planet and save dolphins and such.

If i were a SUPERVILLIAN....
I would attack major cities and smash cars
Be able to shoot laser out of my eyes
Torture people with my mind
wicked fighting abilities
Take whatever i want
have an evil viscous laugh hahaha :)
wear a really tight lime green or yellow spandex suit
Be dark and mysterious and have black spiky hair
Have cool weapons
and of course take over the world! hahaha( evil laugh)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The sink didn't leave it self on and ruin the carpet.

The whole in the newly painted wall didn't just happen.

The cows didn't let themselves out on there own.

My cellphone didn't just break on its own.

My brother didn't run into the window well and have five stiches in his head on his own.

The bottle rocket didn't catch the weeds on fire by itself.

The window of the shop didn't magically shatter.

The car keys didn't lock themselves in the car.

The tire didn't run over the dog by itself.

The insurance didn't suddenly raise to high risk.

My mothers favorite pair of earrings didn't just walk off.

The dog didn't shoot itself with a paintball gun.

My dad's cake that he was saving didn't disappear on its own :]

My multiple Nicknames :]

Mataya Marie Phillips by my madre when she is not pleased with me.
Crazy Tazy by my family when i do something dumb or embarrassing.
Taya by my whole family.
Taibre is what my dad calls me when he can't remember my name haha he is getting a wee bit old.
Sweetie is what my dad calls me when I'm feeling the love.
Honey is what my parentals call me when they want me to do something for them.
Phillips is what my outback boss calls me, especially when I come with out a sandwhich!
Unpleasent names are what my siblings call me when they don't get there way an Im in charge
Matacious, Matizzle, or M to da atay is what all my friends call me.
Moe is what Mac calls me cause she is just crazy.
JEENA! is what my sister and i call each other ha who knows why.
or I have had some people call me there crazy out of control friend :]

I my go by alot of names but im just me simple Mataya!