Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cluminess= Emergency room

When i was ten years old my sister and I were irrigating the farm one summer day. We were moving irrigation tubes on a trailer down the road to the next land. When all of a sudden my sister’s hat flew off and of course me being younger was told to go catch it. So I jumped off the trailer and started running down the road in my tall irrigating boots yeah the big ones smart idea on my part don’t you think? Well to make a long story short I fell and got six stitches in my left knee that night. Now I have a scar to remind me of clumsiness and the worst part is I didn’t even catch the stupid hat! :)

1 comment:

  1. Well that sucks. I would have told my sister to go get it herself. But It doesn't really matter. I just can't imagine you running after the hat in those boots. Man now that's funny.
