Sunday, April 12, 2009

Phillips Easter :)

Every Easter we all wake up go upstairs and see what the easter bunny brought :) Then its off to church which always seems very long because we can't wait to get back to the house. Because every year we have our own easter egg hunt at the house except instead of candy...we put money in the eggs. Not just change either paper money the real deal. So today my older sister Dakota wasn't home so more money for the rest of us haha. We started off sweeping the front yard looking everywhere and anywhere. I got a couple here and there but ran around to the backround for the big money. Paden and Taibre where getting there share as they searched. But now there were three left i found the first two. One to go we circled the house three or four times until Paden shouted he found it. Dang it and of course it had ten dollars in it. We do this every year kinda like our Easter tradition its fun and a challenge. Also we have a little prize for who ever gets the most money. Paden was the winner today with $28.00, I was second with $24.00 and Taibre came in last with $15.00. So Paden was the winner and got a giant chocolate bunny haha. Today was really fun i enjoy Easter because we always spend the whole day together as a family.

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