Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The not so joyous things about American Heritage!

I loved American Heritage it was so amazing and fun. I would do it again first chance i got. But their were some parts that weren't so joyous i would like to share those with you now.

The six hr. flight at 11:00pm.
not being able to sleep on the 6hr. flight because it was like a furnace in there.
The four hr. drive to D.C. at five thirty in the a.m.
Having it rain all day.... basically being cold and really wet!
Having scary black guys ask you for money.
Going to bed late and waking up too early.
Missing stuff because you can't keep your eyelids open on the bus.
Tour guides that talk extremely fast or have the most annoying voice ever!
Walking 30 blocks in NYC.
More rain
all the STUPID SECURITY! seriously you have to be wand ya down everywhere you go.
Getting yelled at
waiting for traffic to move.
lack of FOOD!
being woke up at eight thirty at night to get off the bus and go see some ladies house that you have no idea who she even is.
Rain rain rain
Climbing 294 steps to see fog..... which my calves still hurt from.
Getting sick on the bus
More lack of FOOD!
waiting in the airport for an hour an a half.
Six hr. flight back....then my favorite part the four an a half SCHOOL BUS ride home at twelve in the a.m. with no sleep!

But even though i didn't quite enjoy these things the trip was still amazing and i loved every minute of it.... just some not as much as others :)

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