Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Bucket List :)

1. Tour all of Europe.

2. Learn how to sing.

3. Skydive

4. Bungie Jump

5. Go on a cruise

6.Ride in a gondala and kiss under a bridge.

7. Open a smoothie shop.

8. ride a exotic animal.

9. Go to California.

10. Go to the beach.

11. learn how to surf.

12.Go to disney land :)

13.Help kids in a foreign country

14.Punch someone in the face. (idk why but i have always wanted to just punch someone in the face with my fist really hard hehe)

15. Visit Africa

16. Get married and have a family.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you get the urge to punch me and I'll try to block it our not be present! That is a weird thing to put on a bucket list! Hopefully it will be somebody from this school so I can laugh! Just not me!

    Mrs. Scott
