Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fast Food people...

When you go to the fast food drive through do ever wonder why in the world anyone would want to do this as a living? Or i wonder if that guy has been to jail? Or that kid looks like he has been seriously smoking pot. Or how old do you think that lady is? How did these people that are serving you your double cheeseburger and fries end up here? Well thats what i was thinking about this last wk since we pretty much ate fast food everyday on our trip. Here are so ideas and thought i came up with.

Got kicked out of school for smoking to much pot.
Likes the smell of fast food and really loves his job
Can't find another job.
Likes the food discount.
Was in jail and couldn't get hired anywhere else.
Is an illegal alien.
Is a criminal.
got fired from all their other jobs.
House burned down.
got laid off.
Retirement money ran out.
didn't feel like looking for a job.
Have no skills what so ever!
no education...school drop out
Family Business
can't speak english
likes to play in the play house
Life sucks

I have no idea why the fast food people are the fast food people maybe ill ask one of them sometime who knows...

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious. Fast food joints really scare me! I have a hard time just thinking about eating there, let alone working there. There are some creepy people there. Good post!
