Friday, March 27, 2009

Stop Lights

Have you ever thought about the person in the lane next to you at a stop light? well i did thursday when i was in town. I noticed whenever you stop the person next to you stares, why i don't know and sometimes i catch myself staring back. But what are they thinking about while they are peering through the glass window? Here are some possible thoughts that go through peoples minds while sitting at a stop light.

Omg look at that ladies hair.....were not in the 80's anymore.
Eh that nasty old man is looking at me.
i wonder if that thing they call a car will make it pass this stop light
how you doing :)
aw look at the cute dog in the window
do they have enough kids seriously
can that guy turn his music up any louder!?
oh thats a sweet truck!
that boy/girl is hot
did that guy seriously just pick his nose?
Is that car puke green... really with that?
what a jerk!
are they blowing bubbles out of the window?
Hmm that cheesburger looks good :)
Looks like someones running a little late.
Eh white trash for sure.
That guy must be rich.
Thats ridiculous.
Hey there watching Kung fu Panda!
That truck/car needs to see the inside of a carwash ASAP!
oh i feel bad for that mother
do you think they know there gas cap is open?
do you think her face normally looks that way?
That person looks like a grouch.
whoa they can multi task.

But who really know what people think while at a stop light? These were just some of my ideas. Some were from personal experience :) Hope you enjoyed this post i had fun writing it.

1 comment:

  1. have some really random thoughts but I guess we've all had them. I know I've thought these things as I've looked across at people in their cars. You have a fun way of capturing these things. Nice work...

    Mrs. Scott
