Sunday, May 17, 2009


So i drive a bright yellow chevy cobalt ss aka Lucy. Emily named it for me she thought it needed one and i have never named a car so lucy it was. I freaking love this car i think it definitely shows my personality. Plus I like to go fast so lucy helps me out there although i have got two speeding tickets. :( I have had some adventures in this car for sure some good some bad here are a few.

1. Driving to cheer practice during the summer with Erika and Jessica.
2. Driving to Utah for shopping extravaganza with one of my best friends my sister Dakota.
3.Driving to North just to have Baylee's parents call and tell us to get home.
4. Driving into the good ole Outback everyday of my life.
5. Trying to escape my driveway during winter.
6.Sliding off the road and being stuck for an hour.
7.Racing my dad home from church..hitting 120 in a 50 :)
8.Being the yellow twinkie for my little sibs.
9.Driving to races.
10.Getting lost in hamer on my way to FHE.
11. Erika and Jessica hanging out the sunroof while i drove.
12. Crazy days driving to lunch.
13. Changing in a carwash.
14. Getting stuck in a bank parking lot.
15. Being able to squeeze into a parking space almost anywhere.
16.Getting attacked by a bird a naming it earl.
17. Rushing to make it to school on time.

18. Runs to kelly canyon.
19. Cruizing seventeenth.
20. Shooting people with squirt guns out the windows. :)

My favorite things to eat!

1. Spaggetti
2.Shrimp Alredo
4.Fried rice from Hong kong
5. Grilled ham n cheese sandwhiches
7. Steak
8.Alice spring chicken casadillas
9.Homemade Mac n Cheese

1. Orange Juice
2.Mountain dew
3. Propel water
4. Sprite n cranras mixed together
5. capri suns
6.Strawberry blondies
7.Jamba Juice
8.Rasberry lemonade
10.MILK :)

1.Chocolate covered cinnimon bears
2. Bannannas
3. Strawberry sunrise yogurt
4. Ice cream
5. Smoothies
7.almost any kind of fruit
9.Mike n Ikes

What now!?

So i have like ten days or so until im done with school. Which is awesome well you know how everyone can't wait to be done with school like life will suddenly be easy and you don't have to worry about school. Well let me tell you that isn't true, yeah your done but next question what the heck are you going to do now. Graduating is just the beginning of your life so what are you doing with the rest of it now!? Truth is i still don't know my plans change daily, but im a very undecisive person anyways i can't decide what i want to eat for lunch how am I suppose to know what i want to be or do in my life? So here are some things i thought would help the underclass man. Stuff that i have learned the hard way or just things to know. Oh and by the way just to be clear seniors of 2009 are the best, and it sucks for you because school is going to be boring without us :)


1.Make sure you turn in your library books, before you have 20.00 fee.

2.Stay on Mrs. Taylors good side a Diet Coke here and there could really benefit you.

3. Start thinking about the future before middle of senior year.

4. Don't be late for Mrs. Bratsmans class.

5. I know i have already told you this but seriously DON'T BUILD SNOWMAN DURING MRS. SCOTTS CLASS! I did learn this the hard way.

6. Don't get to behind on homework it sucks!

7.Study for the ACT's

8. Taking DC classes is good you could have almost half your generals done by the time you graduate so something to think about.

9. If you choose DC English with Mr. E, its easy and helps you get a head before you graduate. But if you want a more challenging class which you will learn more for college take Mrs. Scotts Senior English it's way harder.

10. Be involved in school positions or events it helps when your appling for scholarships.

11. If you can take classes with Stembridge he is a cool guy and teacher.

12. If you can try and go on american heritage its amazing!

13. Oh and don't take two of Mrs. Scotts classes in one Trimester if your not an over achiever!!

If you don't take this advice you will survive highschool but this should help you. Also this is a motto i try and live by: Be who you want to be, not what others want to see. Live life and have fun ill miss our funny times in creative writing. Goodluck and have fun Ill miss all of you. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cluminess= Emergency room

When i was ten years old my sister and I were irrigating the farm one summer day. We were moving irrigation tubes on a trailer down the road to the next land. When all of a sudden my sister’s hat flew off and of course me being younger was told to go catch it. So I jumped off the trailer and started running down the road in my tall irrigating boots yeah the big ones smart idea on my part don’t you think? Well to make a long story short I fell and got six stitches in my left knee that night. Now I have a scar to remind me of clumsiness and the worst part is I didn’t even catch the stupid hat! :)

Energetic is Yellow!

It feels like you just drank 36 oz. Rockstar.
It smells like sour lemons.
It tastes like spicy Mexican food.
It sounds like a class of second graders.
It looks like popcorn popping.
It makes me feel super super excited!

Why i will never enter a zoo!!

Okay so when i was ten years my grandma took me to the zoo for my birthday. When we went in we asked the ranger guy what time the zoo closes. He said that they would come get everyone when it was time to lock up. So granny and me set off exploring all the different exhibits and wild creature. After we were done exploring the whole zoo we headed back to the main entrance. But the gates were locked and no one was in sight! AHH we had a little panic attack as we realized we were locked in the zoo with lions tigers and bears oh my! But not only were we locked in there we animals on the loose. Apparently they let all the crazy birds and flamingos go wild while the zoo is locked. So that was a little freaky, we started circling the outer perimeter of the zoo looking for a way to escape or another exit. But no if your locked in the zoo your locked in the zoo. We headed back to the main entrance and sat there for awhile. My grandmother doesn't have a cell phone so there was no way to call for help. (By the way Mrs. Scott cell phones are useful sometimes like in this case.) Anyways back to my scary zoo adventure, we continued to wait there yelling for help occasionally. I thought we were going to have to stay there till morning. My grandma didn't help either she kept saying you ready to sleep in the zoo. Then we saw a mom and her little daughter walking over to the playground across the street to swing. We got up and really started yelling she came over and grandma explained the whole situation to her. We ended up waiting there for awhile longer for a guy with a key to come let us out. I being ten at the time was not very happy and upset that this had to happen on my birthday because cake was waiting for me at home. We finally got out but if that lady across the street hadn't been there i might of had to sleep in the zoo. This was one of my most tragic moments in my life it was terrible. That is why i do not go to the zoo anymore. Moral of this story if you do have the need to go to the zoo MAKE SURE THEY TELL YOU WHAT TIME THEY LOCK THE GATE!! Or you might end up locked in or worse.