Friday, March 27, 2009

Stop Lights

Have you ever thought about the person in the lane next to you at a stop light? well i did thursday when i was in town. I noticed whenever you stop the person next to you stares, why i don't know and sometimes i catch myself staring back. But what are they thinking about while they are peering through the glass window? Here are some possible thoughts that go through peoples minds while sitting at a stop light.

Omg look at that ladies hair.....were not in the 80's anymore.
Eh that nasty old man is looking at me.
i wonder if that thing they call a car will make it pass this stop light
how you doing :)
aw look at the cute dog in the window
do they have enough kids seriously
can that guy turn his music up any louder!?
oh thats a sweet truck!
that boy/girl is hot
did that guy seriously just pick his nose?
Is that car puke green... really with that?
what a jerk!
are they blowing bubbles out of the window?
Hmm that cheesburger looks good :)
Looks like someones running a little late.
Eh white trash for sure.
That guy must be rich.
Thats ridiculous.
Hey there watching Kung fu Panda!
That truck/car needs to see the inside of a carwash ASAP!
oh i feel bad for that mother
do you think they know there gas cap is open?
do you think her face normally looks that way?
That person looks like a grouch.
whoa they can multi task.

But who really know what people think while at a stop light? These were just some of my ideas. Some were from personal experience :) Hope you enjoyed this post i had fun writing it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

50 ways to be ME!

Looks like Snow White
Have Blue eyes
Black Hair
Nasty white skin
Has extremely curly hair
Have angel kisses a.k.a. Freckles
Cherishes Sleep! High jack’s a nap when ever sees an opportunity
Love to sing…in the car
Enjoys smiling and being happy
Tends to be loud
Likes blowing bubbles
Loves sparkles and Lip gloss
Likes to wear Pink, Turquoise and lime green
Drive a bright yellow Chevy cobalt
Tends to park in yellow lines
Loves Snowboarding and making snow angels
Loves having scary movie nights
Can’t roll my tongue
Can’t cross my eyes
Can’t whistle.

Can't wink ;)
Works all the time
Is a habitual violator of the speed limit
sometimes sticks tongue out when concentrating
eats really slow
Running late all the time
Quite the procrastinator when it comes to homework
Enjoys Scrapbooking
Races Motorcycles with family in the summer
Favorite game of all time is Paintballing
Can’t stand it when not wearing earrings
Always is matching
Has Senioritis!
Has no decision making skills
loves Captain Crunch
Tends to say "like" a lot
Can’t walk in heels to save my life
Loves to be comfortable and would wear sweats everyday if I could
Wants to skydive and Bungie Jump
Never been in a plane
Enjoys traveling and exploring new places
Can’t handle any kind of Mexican food
Doesn’t eat the fortune cookie after reading the fortune
Not afraid of needles
Always wanted to be a cowgirl
Is a grocery girl
Never paints fingernail, but always have to have toenails done
Loves Ice Cream with a passion
Addicted to chocolate covered cinnamon bears
Always up for a challenge!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I earned money mowing lawns and spent it all on....

16 packages of bubbalicous bubble gum.

Silly puddy

ugly old peoples slippers

a blonde hair piece

hannah montana sing along doll

used lip gloss

fingernail clippers

a tricycle

Smelly Sharpie markers

Polka dot flip flops

Ring pops

kiddie pool

glow in the dark planets

lots of ice cream

Pink boots

movie star glasses

hoola hoop

gold fish

and a dog :]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If i were shoes

Shoes... have you ever thought about them their is so much variety every pair is different and creative in there own way. They show peoples personality, but the same time tell a story. From boots to flip flops every pair is significant and unique. Shoes come in all colors, shapes, sizes and texture. If i were a pair of shoes i would want to be a pair of heels

If i were heels i would walk the runways, big city streets be in a movie and see the world. Walk down the ile on someones big day and dance on the ballroom floor. I would want to be someones special first pair, go to their first first prom and their big businees meeting. I would want to be there first choice in the morning and of course go shopping on a weekly basis. If i were a pair of heels i would do everything and go anywhere, i would be the most important accessory. Then when im old and get retired. I want to be the two yr. olds heels to play dress up in, I want to be the big girls shoes.

Heels make you feel powerful, attractive, like a movie star and on top of the world. They make you feel grow up and important because it takes a woman to wear heels. when you wear heels you express your self either with black sleek ones, Hot red ones, or polka dot ones they describe how you feel that day and define who you are and what your true personality is. Now can any other pair of shoes do this? No i don't think so and that is why heels are the shoe to be and are envied by ever other shoes walking down the street. :)

Superhero or Supervillian

I was thinking today how nice it would be to be SUPER! I wouldn't have to worry about simple stuff, plus i would be admired or feared by everyone. Also i would have amazing powers beyond belief. But which is it do i want to be a superhero or a supervillian?

If i were a SUPERHERO.....
I would have the ability to read mind
Have intense super strength and speed
Be able to fly
Have an invisible force field
Never have to grow up and get to do whatever i want
Be really beautiful and have brown wavy hair
wear really tight spandex suit, most likely turquoise
and of course have a sweet cape and boots.
I would protect the planet and save dolphins and such.

If i were a SUPERVILLIAN....
I would attack major cities and smash cars
Be able to shoot laser out of my eyes
Torture people with my mind
wicked fighting abilities
Take whatever i want
have an evil viscous laugh hahaha :)
wear a really tight lime green or yellow spandex suit
Be dark and mysterious and have black spiky hair
Have cool weapons
and of course take over the world! hahaha( evil laugh)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The sink didn't leave it self on and ruin the carpet.

The whole in the newly painted wall didn't just happen.

The cows didn't let themselves out on there own.

My cellphone didn't just break on its own.

My brother didn't run into the window well and have five stiches in his head on his own.

The bottle rocket didn't catch the weeds on fire by itself.

The window of the shop didn't magically shatter.

The car keys didn't lock themselves in the car.

The tire didn't run over the dog by itself.

The insurance didn't suddenly raise to high risk.

My mothers favorite pair of earrings didn't just walk off.

The dog didn't shoot itself with a paintball gun.

My dad's cake that he was saving didn't disappear on its own :]

My multiple Nicknames :]

Mataya Marie Phillips by my madre when she is not pleased with me.
Crazy Tazy by my family when i do something dumb or embarrassing.
Taya by my whole family.
Taibre is what my dad calls me when he can't remember my name haha he is getting a wee bit old.
Sweetie is what my dad calls me when I'm feeling the love.
Honey is what my parentals call me when they want me to do something for them.
Phillips is what my outback boss calls me, especially when I come with out a sandwhich!
Unpleasent names are what my siblings call me when they don't get there way an Im in charge
Matacious, Matizzle, or M to da atay is what all my friends call me.
Moe is what Mac calls me cause she is just crazy.
JEENA! is what my sister and i call each other ha who knows why.
or I have had some people call me there crazy out of control friend :]

I my go by alot of names but im just me simple Mataya!